Sunday, January 5, 2014

An Introduction

I am a collector, an amass-er, oh let's just keep it real, I'm a hoarder. It's not bad, like you see on TV, but it does make life challenging sometimes. Every year I make the same resolution; to get organized and clean up my mess of a house. The problem is, I just can't stop collecting!
I became a full time mom almost three years ago when my son was born, which was quite an adjustment since I'd been working for the majority of my life. You'd think I would've seized the opportunity to get organized, but instead I seized the opportunity to play online. A LOT. This was when I was introduced to Pinterest. Oh Pinterest, how you completed me! Instead of constantly creating bookmarks and folders on my computer, I could just begin virtually hoarding all the cool ideas I came across online.
I'm now the mother of two awesome children, and have realized that for all of our sakes (and the thin shred of sanity that I desperately cling to), I HAVE to get organized. I decided that not only will I organize in reality, but I am also going to go through all the pins I've hoarded and start applying them in life. This blog will document all the recipes, the craft projects, the workouts, and the other ideas that I've pinned and that I now plan to use. No more hoarding! Each week I will share with you which pins I'm looking at, and hope to drop in daily to document my progress & show you pictures of what I did.
Welcome to what I hope will become a very Pinteresting year.